Elomatic always thrives to live with purpose of “Idea to Commercialization”. Elomatic offers end to end design & engineering services as single window solutions provider to Life Science Industry. Elomatic’s holistic approach encompasses the world – class Knowledge, Strategy, Planning, Design, Engineering & Qualification services with seamless integration of multidisciplinary skills.

Elomatic has evolved into an unparalleled Center of Excellence with all inhouse specialised services & experienced team of Subject Matter Experts (SME) which can deliver end to end (EPCM) consultancy & engineering services. The entire Design, Engineering, Implementation & Qualification of the project is done under the strict compliance of various regulatory guidelines inclusive of local statutory norms.

We design, engineer & build facilities with due consideration to overall facility efficiency, compliance, utilizing domain expertise, cost efficient design, resource/ energy saving parameters, thereby reducing the overall footprint and optimizing CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) & OPEX (Operating Expenditure) without compromising on the Quality of the product and Safety of the human being.

At Elomatic, we live with the core philosophy of Quality, Affordability & Accessibility


Site Master Plan

Site Master Plan Site Master Plan is the helicopter view of the facility along with all the infrastructure which is planned under the norms of local statutory. Site Master Plan is broadly linked to the overall business strategy of the organisation. The objective of the …

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Concept Design

Concept Design Concept Design is the foundation & strategic documents for any project. Concept design package typically includes the overall frame work of the project. In Conceptual Design, Elomatic strives to capture all the possible information and all preliminary design which contributes in the successful …

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CSA Design

Civil, Structure & Architectural Design (CSA) “Form Follows Function” as the quote stated by famous architect “Louis Sullivan” is dually true for all designs prepared by Elomatic. At Elomatic, the architecture team understands the importance and needs of the end users to provide holistic and cost …

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Basic Engineering

Basic Engineering Once a business plan has been determined and a Conceptual design completed and agreed upon, the Basic Engineering of the project is way forward. This is second stage of design & engineering of a project. During Basic engineering, all the Conceptual design of various discipline …

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Procurement Consultancy

Procurement Consultancy Procurement consultancy is to assist client on the selection of the most qualified vendors/ contractors and selection of most suitable equipment/ machine and support functions. This includes the classification of the equipment based on lead time and country of source. Further this classification …

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Detailed Design

Detailed Design Detailed Engineering is the essential bridge between the basic engineering and construction phase of a project. During Detailed engineering all “Good for Construction“ and “Clash free drawings” are generated & reviewed along with the selected vendors / contractor. There is continuous review of design/ …

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Life Sciences

Life Sciences Elomatic always thrives to live with purpose of “Idea to Commercialisation”. […]

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Feasibility Report

Feasibility Report Feasibility Report is study to determine the techno – commercial […]

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Pre – Concept Report

Pre – Concept Report After the positive conclusion of project Feasibility Report, […]

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Site Master Plan

Site Master Plan Site Master Plan is the helicopter view of the […]

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Concept Design

Concept Design Concept Design is the foundation & strategic documents for any […]

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CSA Design

Civil, Structure & Architectural Design (CSA) “Form Follows Function” as the quote stated […]

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Basic Engineering

Basic Engineering Once a business plan has been determined and a Conceptual design completed […]

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Procurement Consultancy

Procurement Consultancy Procurement consultancy is to assist client on the selection of […]

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Detailed Design

Detailed Design Detailed Engineering is the essential bridge between the basic engineering and […]

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Value Engineering

Value Engineering Elomatic strive to create projects of lasting cultural value, we […]

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Process Engineering

Process Engineering Our mission is to make you experience our Process Engineering […]

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Containment Engineering

Containment Engineering Elomatic has proven expertise to Design, Engineer, Qualify & Validate […]

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CQV Services

Commissioning, Qualification & Validation Services (CQV) Elomatic follow ICH harmonization guidelines & ISPE Baseline guidelines for […]

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CSV Services

Computer System Validation Services (CSV) Computer System Validation (CSV) is the process of documenting […]

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Project Management

Project Management Consultancy (PMC) is the kick start of implementations activities.

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Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer As part of our endeavor to provide end to end […]

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Intelligent Engineering Company

  +91 22 2583 6164


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